Friday 20 May 2016

Homemade Mango Jam

Mango Jam ( आंब्याचा जॅम ) is a quick and easy recipe to eat mangoes all year round. Three generations in the family have grownup relishing it and the recipe continues to be a favorite. The jam specifically calls for the use of Alphonso mangoes, since they hold their shape after jamming. We don't want the mango cubes to disintegrate after processing! If you were to use for example, Payari mangoes, you wouldn't be able to cube it. Without further ado, here's the recipe.

Recipe for Homemade Mango Jam:


Alphonso Mango250 gms
Sugar300 gms
Water100 ml

How to make Homemade Mango Jam:

1. Pop the sugar and water in a pan and bring the syrup to a hard-ball stage.
2. Once done, add to it, the cubed mango pieces and swirl the pan to mix it up. Try not to use a spoon to stir, since it may break the cubes. Bring it back to a boil and continue for another minute. Then, turn off the heat and cool the jam in the pan.
3. Once completely cooled, transfer it to a clean, dry jar and store it in a cool, dry jar.

If properly made, the jam stays well forever!

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