Sunday, 13 December 2015

Vangyacha Bharit/Brinjal Bharit

Vangyacha Bharit  is an accompaniment to polis and bhakaris during meals. Vanga means Brinjal, which is the principal ingredient of this recipe. The brinjal is roasted (traditionally on coal) which gives the dish a smoky flavour. It's super easy to make and tastes great ! 

Recipe for Brinjal Bharit 

Serves 1-2


Brinjal200 gms
Onion60 gms
Oil1 tsp
Mustard Seeds1/4 tsp
Asafoetida1/2 tsp
Turmeric Powder1/4 tsp
Chilli Powder1/2 tsp
SaltTo Taste (~1/2 - 3/4 tsp)
Coriander1 Tbsp, Chopped

How to make Brinjal Bharit :

1.Roast the Brinjal until the skin is charred. Traditionally, this is done on coals but you can do it on the gas stove as well. Keep turning the eggplant occasionally, so as not to burn it ! Once done, set aside to cool.
2.Once cooled, peel off the charred bits from the aubergine, and wash the exposed flesh, if necessary. We don't want any of the charred skin.
3.Now, take off the stem and discard it. Chop the brinjal into medium sized dices. They don't have to be perfect, since we will be cooking them later. All we're aiming for is to cut short the strands/ fibres. So, cut against the grain.
4.Heat oil in a nonstick pan and once heated, add the mustard seeds. Once they pop, add the asafoetida and turmeric.
5.Next, add the onion and cook it.
6.Once the onion becomes translucent, add the chilli powder, salt and chopped brinjal. Mix well and cook for 1-2 minutes.
7.Take the pan off the heat and mix in the finely chopped coriander. Your'e done!

This recipe will give ~120 calories.

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